Founder of Evangelism Explosion
Born: November 3, 1930, in Augusta, Georgia, United States
Died: September 5, 2007, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
A Note from our founder
At one time, I was asked to explain what I did to get EE (Evangelism Explosion) started and to succeed so well. “First, let me remind you,” I said, “that Thomas Edison, while inventing the incandescent light bulb, tried close to a thousand different things that failed before he discovered the things that, at last, produced the first light bulb.
“I must confess to you,” I continued, “that as a young pastor with a passion to evangelize Fort Lauderdale, I tried at least 100 different things that didn’t work before EE finally jelled into the ministry it is today. It is a ministry that last year alone trained tens of thousands of pastors and lay people worldwide and saw almost 2,000,000 professions of faith in Christ in 212 nations.”
In the forty-some years I have served God in Fort Lauderdale, I have launched and led nine ministries-Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, Evangelism Explosion International, Westminster Academy, the local WAFG Christian Radio Station, Truths that Transform Radio Hour, the international televised Coral Ridge Hour, Knox Theological Seminary, Reclaiming America, and the Center for Christian Statesmanship in Washington DC.
But when all is said and done and my life is finished I believe that the most significant thing God will have done through me will be Evangelism Explosion!
One day, I will have passed off the scene. My prayer and deep desire is that the leaders whom God raises up in my place will take firm hold of EE and the principles that are helping it reach into every culture and continent of the world. Until Jesus Christ returns may they diligently apply those basic principles to the ministry here in America and into every nation, territory, and people group of the world.